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  • Writer's pictureJanet Zappala


I remember coming home from school, opening the door, and smelling the inviting aroma of these meatballs. They were like a gift from Mom. Between us kids (and Dad) sneaking meatballs and dunking Italian bread into the sauce, it was a wonder we ever had any left for dinner. Try a few even without the sauce.

Prep Time: 30 minutes

Cook Time: 1-2 hours

Serves 5

Tip: You can make the meatballs smaller for a great party appetizer.

Nutrition: Organic meats contain no antibiotics or added hormones. The animals are also fed organic feed with no ground-up animal parts.

(Per serving —three medium meatballs) Calories: 200; Total Fat: 11 gms; Sodium. 380 mgs; Carbohydrates: 5 gms; Protein: 14 gms; Fiber: 6 gms

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